David Nguyen, PhD

Modest microscopist and enthusiastic optical engineer

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My climbing journey has led me to different places around the world, each with a different atmosphere. Every trip has been a unique experience, and I feel grateful for having met wonderful people along the way.

Early in my PhD and frustrated by my fear of heights, I decided to start climbing at the local bouldering gym. Little did I know it would change my life forever.

February 2017, I got the chance to present my PhD work at Photonics West in San Francisco. I'll always remember this event, because it was my first time on a plane. After the conference, I visited Bishop in California, this was my first encounter with real rock.

The Buttermilks, Bishop (CA)

September 2018, I climbed my first 7A boulder in the magical forest of Fontainbleau, about an hour south of Paris. It finished a project started in summer 2017, which required multiple trips and countless failed attempts.

Le toit du cul de chien - 7A, Fontainebleau (FR)

August 2019, I climbed my second 7A, Globetrotter, in Chironico (CH), after two days of relentless attempts. I was also fortunate to send Matusalem, 6C, a powerful line on a steep overhang. On that same year, in December, I got gifted with three other 7A's, also in Chironico: Vitruvian Man with chipped pocket, Los Cursos, and San Pellegrino.

Vitruvian Man with chipped pocket - 7A, Chironico (CH)
Vitruvian Man with chipped pocket - 7A, Chironico (CH)

Today, I'm still terrified of heights, but I've learned to my fear and know my limits. I would like to thank all the people I encountered on this journey that made it possible.

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